Weight Loss Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats Weight Loss – Change Your Paradigms With Healing Sound Therapy
This Binaural Beats for Weight Loss recording will tune your brain with healing frequencies. The binaural beats are associated with a fast metabolism, dissolving fat cells, and letting go of resistance against change. In addition to binaural beats, the session for weight loss contains powerful hidden suggestions for maximum results.
- Shift your mental approach regarding weight loss.
- Reduce emotional food cravings.
- Be eager to live a healthy lifestyle.
- Tune into vibrations of well-being and vitality.
- Let go of self-sabotaging patterns.
- Tune into your center and inner-self.
Binaural Beats Weight Loss – Let The Magic Begin
What are binaural beats for weight loss and how can they help your transformation process? How can specific frequencies assist you in shifting your dominant patterns regarding weight loss and improving your digestive system?
You are about to reveal the incredible power of binaural beats that have been scientifically proven in many studies. You will be exposed to the secret of vibrations that will help you manifest your biggest goals.
Before we explore the binaural beats for weight loss, ask yourself these questions –
How many times have you sworn that you would eat healthily, and two days later, you caved to temptation and had a delicious cupcake for lunch?
How many times did you go to the gym with a lack of desire and just wait for the moment this unpleasant experience is over?
You might have embarked on a weight loss process before, but only outwardly, or if you prefer, behaviorally. In fact, as long as you don’t replace your inner settings about weight loss and healthy living, this battle is doomed from the start.
The Excuses Take Over
Every time you promise yourself to go through a diet, but then you forget these promises – something within you breaks. When it happens again and again, you stop believing in yourself and your commitments. You don’t trust yourself anymore.
Thus, your hopes become vague, your motivation fades out, and that initial fire you had when you just started has been put out.
“Why would anything be different this time?” you ask yourself. “It’s always the same… I start the diet, and at some point, I ruin all of my progress; so what is the point?”
This is the reason I have created this binaural beats weight loss session.
What Are Binaural Beats?
The binaural waves are one of the newest technologies for therapeutic use that have gained growing scientific proof. Binaural beats are sound vibrations that can be combined with music, enabling a shift in the brain waves within minutes.
This shift can bring about a change in mood, perception, and even in the physical body. Most humans can experience brain synchronization in everyday life, but randomly and only short term.
A meditation, for example, can create a synchronization for a more extended period, but it takes higher proficiency and years of practice. Scientists relate a synchronized brain and wisdom and define this phenomenon as the most efficient potential actualization of the mind.
The Binaural Beats Frequencies To Lose Weight
1-hour session: 30 minutes of binaural beats for dissolving fat cells – 295.8 Hz followed by another 30 minutes of binaural beats to improve the metabolic system. The entire recording has embedded soothing background music. The 295.8 Hz frequency vibrates the body cells and encourages defeating fat cells.
The binaural beats weight loss are designed to synchronize with your brain and train it to resonate with the vibrations that will assist you in losing weight and keep it off. It has been proven that everything in this world is made of energetic vibration.
Every plant, cell in your body, even your intestinal system, liver, and thoughts reverberate at certain frequencies!
Imagine what the specific weight loss vibrations can do to your body when you use them regularly! It can transform you mentally and physically by rewiring your neural pathways.
Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequencies, and vibrations”.
And this is not all…
Binaural Beats Integrated With Empowering Messages For Weight Loss
The binaural beats for weight loss are combined with subliminal messaging that could help you change your thought patterns and emotional eating patterns.
The commands’ purpose is to raise your self-worth and respect for your body. This new mindset will help you balance your relationship with food and healthy living.
The hidden messages bypass your hearing threshold, and by doing so avoid your natural resistance to perceptions that are different than yours.
You see, the reason you couldn’t lose weight so far is that you carry limiting beliefs that are responsible for your results in life. We are all governed by mind programming, some positive, and some highly destructive.
The negative beliefs are the ones that hold you down, fail you, and keep you stuck in the same spot. Therefore, no matter what methods you use to try to lose weight – in the end, the unconscious settings always beat the conscious desire, as strong as it may be.
The Only Wall That Separates Between Your Ideal Body Weight is Your Unaware Paradigms
Paradigms are perceptions of reality that have been fixated inside your brain since childhood due to traumas and life experiences. Your beliefs determine how you think, feel, and behave.
They control your interpretation of circumstances, the goals you set, and the results you get. The paradigms dictate your life course and will allow you to only create a reality that matches exactly the internal definitions (programming) you have.
The problem is that you are not even aware of your own limiting, sometimes even toxic, patterns.
You know, those voices that run in your head constantly…
“There is no chance I will make it.”
“I was always overweight.”
“These are my genes.”
“This is who I am.”
“Food comforts me.”
“I need to eat when I’m sad/happy”.
Weight loss can become so easy, enjoyable, and pleasing as you remove those mental blockages and instill nourishing stories that will foster personal growth. And this is precisely what the binaural beats weight loss sessions are designed to do.
Two Recordings, One Download
The binaural beats for the weight loss program include three recordings:
Set 1: Subliminal messages + binaural beats with frequencies to dissolve fat cells and improve metabolism. Listen at night. 295.8 Hz + 200 Hz
Set 2: Subliminals + binaural beats with vibrations associated with inner shifts (Isochronic tones), releasing fear, and self-love. 639 Hz + 432 Hz. Listen at night.
This binaural beats for weight loss is an exclusive program you can find only here and nowhere else!
Vortex-Success is the only place you can find a complete integration of binaural beats, and subliminal messaging to program your mind to lose weight.
The unique Vortex-Success method is meant to guide you to embrace empowering beliefs of a healthy, vibrant, and in shape person.
The Limitless You
You will learn to love and accept who you are. A starting point of self-love is the fastest and sure way for an actual transformation in any field, especially weight loss.
Instead of getting bored with healthy food, you will strengthen your excitement about nurturing your body with healthy eating habits. Suddenly refined carbs, fatty, and greasy foods will not seem tempting.
The binaural beats, combined with the suggestions, will guide you to find practical and creative ways to turn healthy food into tasty meals while keeping its nutritional value. You will radiate vitality and people around you will notice that mental shift in you!
The change you will go through will be inclusive, not only in the behavioral aspect but mainly at the emotional level.
Instead of grumbling about not being able to eat refined carbs, you will enjoy skipping them, because you will realize you do not need these toxic ingredients anymore.
You will come to the realization that junk food is no longer the answer to fill in the void. Instead, you will find better ways to cope with distress, like running, meditation, yoga, writing, etc.
How To Use The Binaural Beats Weight Loss
First off, it is imperative to mention that you need to honestly want to lose weight before listening to this program.
In addition to using this session, be ready to take responsibility for your well-being. Whether it is to start cooking healthy food, working out, and seeing a professional Nutritionist or Naturopath support you during this process.
Listen at night
Listen to the audios with the binaural waves at night for up to an hour. Then, allow yourself to fall asleep with the music playing in the background.
DO NOT play it on replay mode. Headphones are absolutely required.
Listen at day
You may listen to the recordings without binaural beats during the day as long as you’re not performing tasks that might put you or others at risk. There is no time limit. You can play it in the background when watching TV, checking your Facebook, and when cooking lunch.
*Please note: this recording is available when you get the Premium or Ultimate unlimited downloads plans. See more details on these plans here.
*If you are only interested in a singular weight loss meditation, please check out this mp3 here.
Download the exclusive binaural beats sessions for weight loss now. You are worth it.
The affirmations
I find it easier and easier to reach my ideal weight
I joyfully embrace healthy living as my lifestyle
Every day I become slimmer, fitter, and in better shape
I nourish my body with healthy eating
I constantly nourish my body with lots of healthy vegetables
My body reaches its ideal weight with ease
Every cell in my body is healthy
I treat my body with respect and love
I deserve to be slim and fit
I am becoming more and more fit every day that goes by
I easily take control and responsibility for my body weight
I reach my goal weight naturally and freely
I believe I deserve to be healthy and shapely
I love and accept my body right now
It is easy for me to make choices that support a healthy body
I feel blessed and grateful for the body I own
I happily release fattening food from my routine
I easily reach my ideal weight through healthy eating and exercising
The effective exercises I choose burn my fat cells fast
I truly enjoy working out and stay active
I successfully rewired my brain to love keeping fit
My metabolism functions perfectly while digesting food
All of my body cells work in perfect alignment with one another
I am a slim, happy, and healthy person