Stop Caring What Others Think

The Full Guide To Stop Caring What Others Think Of You
The only program you need to stop caring what people think of you. Make sure to read this post all the way through. It will show you how to put pleasing people behind you and start living your truth, as you deserve.
- Put yourself first without feeling selfish and guilty.
- Focus on your needs and values.
- Know your self-worth.
- Let go of relationships that keep you stuck.
- Find your center and inner peace.
Whose Life Are You Living
As you finally release that anxious voice in your head that asks, “what will others think of me” you will find that life can be a fascinating experience.
Changing the automatic thought patterns you have experienced since birth takes time and practice, but you CAN rewire your conditioning.
You might have heard your parents or friends say, “stop caring what others think.” This is easier said than done, but this type of lifestyle is possible to master. Once you unlock it, it is simple to live by it.
Before we explore ways to develop this liberating approach, it is essential to understand one concept:
You should care what others think… sometimes
It is impossible to completely detach yourself from people because we conduct our lives inside a circle of interactions with other people. We are social beings who have a need to belong and form attachments and bonds with others.
If you completely don’t care about what people think of you, that can work against you. For example, not giving a damn about your supervisor’s opinion can result in your dismissal, which is not serving you positively (unless you don’t want this job).
On the other hand, obsessively worrying about what people think, drags you down into a maze of losing your self-identity.
Therefore, keeping that subtle balance between your individuality and your social needs is necessary.
Like anything else in life, it’s all about wise, balanced doses.
Check your motives
If you want to start living your unique identity, you must observe your real motives.
For example – when you act in a certain way or say something – do you do what you do to gain approval? Acceptance or validation? Or are you just conveying your authenticity in this social interaction?
For instance, on a date, do you say things that you believe will make the other person like you? Or do you say it because you want them to know who you are and what you stand for so you can both decide if you are a good match?
Put the emphasis on what YOU think about who you are
Once you feel wholeness inside, you will stop giving too much weight to the way others view you.
Instead, you’d direct your attention towards how you see yourself because, in the end, that is what matters the most. You’re the one who needs to be complete with your choices and the way you conduct yourself.
This new attitude and shift of focus can really relieve the pressure and provide you with the relief you need to handle different life situations.
For instance, let’s say you got into an argument with a co-worker. If you haven’t established a solid foundation, you would run this script over and over again, and obsess over it –
“Should I have said that? Was it smart? Does he hate me now? Will he tell everyone about this and they will take his side”?
But if you have unshakable confidence regarding your stance in the argument, you will not feel the need to justify it. Instead, you will stand behind your words and action and feel comfortable in your own skin.
It doesn’t mean you don’t respect others’ opinions and needs, but you are simply not allowing their disapproval to lower the value you attribute to yourself.
Nothing will shake you so quickly as you become deeply rooted in your values and grounded in your experience.
Take these steps
Let’s see what you can do to care less about what people think of you and still manage healthy and considerate relationships without perceiving yourself as selfish or uncaring.
1. Don’t fall into the assumption trap
When contemplating what others think, you tend to assume what they think. You think you know, but, in fact, you don’t. You start to believe in it, and your behavior will adapt according to the first assumption you had falsely made.
Our brains will always try to justify this assumption; it will complete the missing information gap and build a whole fake story around this wrong expectation.
For example, your college buddy didn’t say hi to you in the hallway. If you tend to fret over what others think, you might jump to the conclusion that you must have done something that upset that friend.
Then your brain will complete stories and find baseless links between unrelated situations, such as “oh, he acted kinda weird at the party last night… and last week, he said he is too busy to go for lunch.”
Exploring other interpretations
When you frantically care about what others think, you are so preoccupied with THEIR lives that you forget about other probable options:
What if he didn’t see you? What if he was dealing with something else on his mind? What if he was in a hurry? Not everything is about you.
In fact, almost nothing is about you, it is about them, so don’t fall into the trap of quick assumptions.
This growth process requires you to question your own thought patterns. Avoid speculating because you simply don’t know. If you are not sure about something, ask.
If you are too embarrassed to ask, then direct a question to yourself – “Is it true? Could it be something else that has nothing to do with me?”
Even when the situation DOES involve you, the person’s feelings and reactions have nothing to do with you, but their own personal belief system. Remember the example of the argument with the co-worker?
If you stick to what you stand for with pride, it is not your business how the other person will react to this. It is up to that person, their way of handling situations, emotional reactivity and awareness (or lack of awareness), and personal subconscious paradigms.
2. Know your personal values
It will be easy to stop wondering what others think when you know who you are if you have a strong sense of self and what truly matters to you..
The way others perceive you will become less relevant because they judge you according to their own values, which have nothing to do with you.
It could be that others will judge you because your principles are not congruent with their narratives. And it is their right. But it is also your right to have your own set of priorities to follow.
The standards you stick to will, at some point, upset some people, and there is nothing you can do about it. Nor there is nothing that you should do about it.
They have the choice to get angry with you, accept it, respect it, or ignore it. No matter what path they choose, it is their decision and not yours.
3. You can’t please them all
It is impossible to meet everyone’s expectations and needs. Moreover, you really don’t want to do it. People-pleasing will drain your energy and suck the joy out of you, as you systematically abandon your own wants just to gain some crumbs of validation.
Instead, focus on pleasing yourself. If you feel the need to please people in certain situations, ask yourself –
What is my motive? – Fear and need to be loved or a healthy desire to make progress?
Deep down in your heart, you might carry a fear of rejection or abandonment issues. If you stress a lot about what others think of you, the fear of not receiving love and appreciation dominates you. This anxiety is managing your life, causing you to be enslaved by external approval.
The meaning of being indifferent about what others think of you is simply letting go of the need for constant outside approval. Instead, focus on yourself, on your values, and learn to TOLERATE the anxiety that arises when others do not like you for being true to yourself.
As you allow the anxiety to prevail, without trying to fix it right away, eventually, you will learn to feel comfortable in your own skin, despite people’s negative opinions of you.
Understand that you cannot please everyone, and the people who really matter will still be there, even if they do not share the same opinions.
This way, you will allow yourself to walk toward your personal and emotional freedom, without losing the social belonging you naturally need.
4. Mind your own business
If you are constantly preoccupied with others, you abandon yourself and put all of your energy in someone else’s control. In other words – you give away your power. Eventually, you are disconnecting from yourself.
You are disowning what feels true to you, relinquishing your values and needs for authenticity, self-expression, and peace.
Whenever you ‘catch’ yourself obsessing over what others think, don’t fight it, but direct the attention back to yourself.
As you worry about what others see in you, ask yourself – whose business am I dealing with? Do their thoughts belong to them or to me? Do I say it just to please someone or genuinely believe in it?
Your constant wallowing in their minds gives you a fake sense of control like you can influence the situation somehow..
In summary, in order to move past caring what others think, simply direct your mind trips back to you and your business. It is not of your business how others perceive you; it is theirs.
Also, it is easier to do it by reversing the question, and asking yourself – “what do I think about this person or this situation?” Always bring your preoccupation back to you, your values, and your standards.
Make sure to check in with yourself; this way, you will also strengthen your sense of self.
Train your brain
What if you could speed up this process by rewiring your subconscious to carry a mindset of a true winner, who is entirely independent of others’ opinions?
There is a powerful and scientifically proven method to do so (and any other change you aspire to achieve). This method is called subliminal messages.
Vortex-Success is the best source of brain reprogramming available online today. We offer cutting-edge formulas to shift your old conditioning into winning beliefs.
Tens of thousands of people worldwide use our recordings and achieve great life-changing results.
Science has proved that you need to alter your brain to change your life. It all begins with your thought patterns. This goes way beyond positive thinking; it is about rewiring your whole paradigm.
Being concerned about what others think usually stems from a negative set of beliefs and fears; fear of failure, fear of success, disappointment, not being loved, criticism, and more.
It comes from low self-esteem built and designed during your childhood by your caretakers.
Design your new mentality
Our session is designed to help you eliminate those inner voices sabotaging your life.
This unique formula’s purpose is to lead you to get rid of those past patterns that have been created despite your will. You don’t need them anymore; they don’t serve you in any healthy way.
Instead, the powerful hidden suggestions can imprint new empowering beliefs, of a self-confident individual who sticks to their standards and does not apologize for it.
The only thing that stops you from being who you are – the person you want to be – is the bad stories you keep telling yourself. Stories like “if I say this, she will not like me anymore”; “I shouldn’t have said it, now he thinks I am a jerk.”
This groundbreaking shifting technology will help you break free of those paradigms that crave love and appreciation from others at your expense.
Instead, it will guide you to put the focus on yourself, without the dependency on outside validation. You will have the sole authority to provide the approval to yourself.
You have the ability to alter your inner world, and subsequently, your outside world will change to match. So the question is not whether you can do it, but – do you have the guts to become the limitless you?
Download now. Connect to yourself again.
The affirmations
I focus on what I think of myself and others
I put myself and my values in the center
I am an evolved, and enlightened individual
I let go of worrying about what others think of me
What others think of me is their business only, not mine
Others can think whatever they want, I am all good with it
I am engaged with my own business only
I let go of the need to be loved by others
I love and appreciate myself, and that is the most important thing
I am worthy, valuable, and a deserving person
I let go of the need of acceptance and love of others
I am the only one who is authorized to approve of me
I explore my thoughts
I am aware of my thoughts
I am open to making positive changes in my life
My brain is conditioned to love myself at all times
I acknowledge all of my talents and abilities
I am a special and unique individual
I emphasize my uniqueness and take pride in it
I stand for myself and follow my truth
I radiate love and harmony
I live my life authentically
I am a confident, stable, strong, and genuine person
It is ok to express myself and my truth
It is safe for me to let go pretending
I please only myself, I let go trying to please others
It is ok for me to connect to my true self