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Welcome to Vortex-Success
If you desire to remove your limiting beliefs, quiet your inner critic, and supercharge your subconscious with healthy paradigms but don’t know where to start, this page is for you.

I am Edith Moscowitz, the creator of Vortex-Success.
My passion is helping you eliminate your sabotaging patterns. Providing you with the best subliminal recordings available today is my mission.
My goal is to help ten million customers worldwide to shift their mental programming so they can finally live happily and attract abundance.
Your Results Reflect The Way You Think

When you were born into this world, you had no beliefs. You had zero limits. Over time, your brain has absorbed all the ideas, concepts, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of people around you. You were programmed to think and behave in a certain way; until these thoughts solidified into automated paradigms in your subconscious mind.

What does it look like in your everyday life?
If, for instance, you have a deep-seated belief you will never have enough money, it could be because as a child, you were programmed to think that “money doesn’t grow on trees”.

You may have seen your caretakers reacting in panic and fear about money (or the lack of it). As a result, you developed the programming “there is never enough”; “If I share my resources, I will run out of them” and so on. You also learned to associate negative emotions with money such as fear and stress.

Rich people, on the other hand, do not even associate money with stress. They love money and they feel capable and deserving of having it. Therefore, they experience a free flow of wealth without trying so hard.
What Are Subliminal Messages?

Subliminal Messages are hidden messages that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so.
In other words, subliminal messages speak directly to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind plays a huge role in your results in life.
Try to remember how many times you have felt you’re not good enough? As if there’s something wrong with you? Perhaps you’re afraid nobody will ever love you for who you are? You’re not alone. Many people are blocked by negative self-talk that was most likely developed in early childhood.
You see, it’s not your fault. You didn’t choose this programming. But until you change your subconscious beliefs, your results will keep repeating themselves, and you’d end up wondering “why am I not getting anywhere”?
In terms of self-improvement, subliminal messages work to reprogram your belief systems and can speed up the manifestation of your abundance.
In other words, nothing can stop the healing affirmations from reaching your unconscious and re-wiring all of the sabotaging thoughts that stop you from self-actualizing.
What is Brainwave Entrainment?
Brainwave entrainment, or sound therapy, is a technology that presents the brain with sounds or light flashes that synchronize the brain waves with certain frequencies. The purpose of sound therapy is not creating thoughts or feelings, but to create the ideal state for the brain to create positive and empowering emotions and thoughts.
Here, at Vortex-Success, we use Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones and pure frequencies. These technologies have been scientifically proven to be highly effective to help with anxieties, depressions, strengthen the immune system, open the chakra centers, sleep problems, overcoming addictions, and more.

Will Your Programs Remove My Subconscious Blockages?
The subliminal recordings and videos I created for you, are specially designed to support you in your journey of healing. Now you can join more than 300 thousand customers worldwide, finally, remove the mental blocks and become a deliberate creator. Are you ready to unlock your unlimited power?
Imagine what your life would look like if you have no inner force that is stopping you time after time from achieving your biggest dreams… How would it feel to become unstoppable? Resolve the emotional issues that led you to gain weight? Build true confidence?
My subliminal formula can support you in getting rid of your limiting beliefs, and instead, embrace powerful subconscious programming.
In the audio library I have created, you can find subliminal affirmations in the subjects of money and career, love and relationships, self-confidence, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, emotional dependency, weight loss, and so much more.
We are the leading platform with the largest subliminal library in the world.

Let’s dismiss some myths and set realistic expectations before we go any further
Making a change can happen faster than you think
Most people think change takes time; a lot of time. This perception that change takes time is also a limiting belief you can resolve. In fact, a profound change can happen overnight. For example: winning the lottery, finding the love of your life, business takeoff, reading an insight that motivates you to quit your addiction and more.
The subliminal messages I have created for you will neutralize your blockages, so you can attract the change in a relatively short time without excessive effort.
That’s why I’m here for you; to help you achieve your biggest dreams.
The subliminals will work for you when you have a deliberate desire to change
You’ve had enough, haven’t you? I’m sure you have. Believe me, I know this feeling. I used to struggle with financial issues and weak self-esteem. I didn’t think of myself as enough, and I always felt I need validation from others to feel worthy. But it wasn’t until I decided “that’s it! I can’t live like this anymore”. These programs are for you only if you are serious and ready to take responsibility for your results.
The longest journey begins with a single step, but you have to be willing to take that step. However, if you’re passive about shifting your results and just want to give it a shot and see what happens, I do not recommend you start. But if you are here, it might be a sign indicating you are willing to let go of the self-sabotaging programming you have and be open to new patterns. Let’s start this together.
Choose one change you have a burning desire to achieve
Many people are tempted to listen to multiple recordings on different topics at the same time frame. I don’t recommend it. Try to focus on one goal at a time. Put your emphasis on that particular area until you feel differently and notice actual shifts. Please note that it’s ok to listen to multiple tracks that are related to that one subject. If you want to make the most of our programs, make sure to visit our help center.
How to choose the right subliminal program
Choose the current subject that is most important to you. No matter what it is. No matter how deep your resistance is. No matter how long you have suffered from this problem. In our audio library, you will find an extensive collection of subliminal recordings with healing affirmations. Select the sessions that are most suitable for your true needs.

What if I like more than one?
As Vortex-Success customers, I want you to make the most of my subliminal meditations. Expose your brain to as many affirmations as possible that belong to the same category, so you can effectively remove your sabotaging patterns.
This is why I’ve decided to give you unlimited access to the entire subliminal library for one fixed price.
After downloading, you will have 24/7 access to these recordings. Whatever subscription you pick, after downloading, the files are yours to keep forever.
This audio library is updated regularly. If you don’t want to miss out on new subliminal MP3s, make sure to subscribe to our email list (down this page) to get updates on new uploads.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to receive my order?
Right away. If you purchase singular subliminal meditations without subscribing to unlimited downloads, you will receive a purchase receipt delivered to your email address within a few minutes of your purchase. If you don’t find it in your primary inbox, check your spam folder.
If you are a member, in addition to receiving the download links in your email, you have the option to log-in and receive access to all of your downloads. You can find them in the ‘download history’ tab.
Most of the recordings are at least an hour long. Can I listen to less than that? Is 15-20 minutes a day okay?
Yes, you absolutely can. If you don’t have an hour a day, don’t force yourself to “squeeze” the full length of recording into your daily activities. This can create more pressure, and you will be missing the whole point.
15-20 minutes a day is enough, as long as you are being consistent about it. Consistency is the key ingredient to succeed in this process, the amount of time per day does not necessarily matter.
What are the benefits of subliminal messages?
Subliminal messages are hidden empowering affirmations that bypass your natural conscious resistance so that they can reach the deepest level in which a true change can occur – the subconscious mind. Our subliminal messages have many benefits. Use our recordings to boost your confidence, attract abundance, embrace winners’ mindset, supercharge your life with high vibrations, reduce stress and increase happiness.
If you expose yourself to healing suggestions frequently, they can physically re-channel your neural connections, remove destructive programming that prevents change, and establish healthy conditioning that will foster growth, happiness, success, well-being and so much more. Vortex Success’ programs are designed to help you remove unwanted habits and replace your limiting beliefs with empowering paradigms.
Can I do other things while listening to subliminal messages?
Subliminal messages only – Yes. You can do other things when using our recordings (never when in a moving vehicle), like wash dishes, surf online, or watch TV, etc. As long as the activities you take part in DO NOT require any focus on your end, and DO NOT put you and/or others at any risk – you can play subliminal messages in the background.
When using Binaural Beats or Isochronic Tones, do not do anything else.
Can I fall asleep while the track is still playing in the background?
Definitely. You can allow yourself to relax into the soothing sounds and fall asleep peacefully.
If the recording that is playing in the background has subliminal messages only, without frequencies, you can let it play in a loop all night.
However, if the track has frequencies (Binaural Beats/Isochronic Tones), please make sure not to put it on repeat mode.
English is not my native language. Will the subliminal programs still be effective?
Absolutely. Subliminals can have the same effect on you even if your native language is not English, as long as you understand the affirmations listed in the description of the meditations you wish to purchase. Your brain is so powerful it can process far more than you realize.
Even if you do not fully understand the affirmations, if you choose recordings with embedded Brainwave Entrainment, you can always benefit from the healing frequencies. Binaural Beats and/or Isochronic Tones are effective for everyone, no matter what your native language is.
If you love my subliminal tracks, be sure to subscribe to the Vortex-Success email list:
- Get notified on new recordings as they are released.
- Free advanced Law of attraction course.
- Free subliminal mp3 to attract abundance.
- Access high-value content I share with “insiders” only, who are committed to their personal growth.
This content is exclusive. You won’t find it anywhere else.
Since listening to this for the last few weeks I have seen so much change. A few days into it a wonderful opportunity was presented to me. I also have had profound dreams that have given me clarity on a few issues. I will continue to listen as I embrace change.
I’m getting to be a rather anxiety free, self-confident and happy individual. Something most of us struggle with in life. I believe in myself and my capabilities. I feel more comfortable with being myself and don’t worry what others think. Life is good! Thank you Vortex Success for your amazing work. This has improved my life for the best!
Great effect!!…the almost invisible vibration you have going every few seconds…like the music and tones, felt different within seconds of listening.
I’d like to thank you ever so much for creating the videos. Nothing has ever helped me so much and I even told my mental health doctor about it and she’s going to look into binaural beats! (She’s not heard of them before) they always leave me smiling and feeling great after – helps my mental health so much.
Thank you Edith! I started listening to that one and I have made amazing using both together. There was a girl at my job that I liked or thought I did. Turns out I came to the realization that I was looking to her for acceptance, worth, and love. The moment I realized this I started with this video five days later I started to feel more confident about letting go of her for good without a grudge even if she started talking to someone else. Well as of today 16 days later I’m I have mostly let go and much more expressive in the workplace building a better relationship with my boss and fellow coworkers. Not to mention the woman and I get along much as coworkers. I’m holding my friends more accountable 5 days into the subliminal program I was able to say no to a friend I had trouble even thinking of saying no to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
I appreciate you, thank you for being here
As I constantly seek improvement, I’d like to hear from you.
It could be your story, how else I can help you, feedback on the site, the mp3 programs, ideas, collaboration and business offers you have; please contact me here.