Schumann Resonance Is the Earth’s Own Frequency —Tune Into 7.83 Hz

Schumann resonance is made of the naturally occurring, extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves that occupy the cavity (or space) located below the ionosphere.
The science whizzes at NASA say the ionosphere is a layer of electrons, molecules, and ionized atoms, stretching from about 30 miles above this Earth’s surface to just the edge of space.
And it is thanks to this layer that we are able to send and receive radio communications.
The roughly 2000 thunderstorms that rumble around the globe daily are to blame (or rather thank) for the creation of this popular resonance.
These 2000 daily thunderstorms generate about 50 lightning effects per second which are directly linked to the Schumann resonance.
A lot of this information was discovered, or, better yet, mathematically predicted in 1952. A very smart German scientist, by name Winfried Otto Schumann, found out about it – hence the name.
Like any significant scientific discovery, Professor Schumann’s work caused some excitement at the time.
However, the true implications of the significance of Schumann resonance were to come shortly afterward from a different source.
The Lowest Hertz of the Famous Schumann Resonance Is the Same as The Alpha State
The implications for physicists and meteorologists were huge once Professor Schumann published his results in the journal, Technische Physik. But a certain physician, Dr. Ankermuller, immediately saw something else.
The lowest Schumann resonance stands at 7.83 hertz (Hz). Dr. Ankermuller was quick to point out, it is the same as the alpha brainwaves.
Professor Schumann asked a, then doctoral student, Herbert Konig to investigate the phenomenon. Konig demonstrated a correlation between Schumann’s resonances and brain patterns.
Herbert Konig compared human EEG recordings with the natural electromagnetic fields of the environment. He discovered that the first five Schumann resonances, ranging from 0-35 Hz had frequencies that overlapped with the ranges of the various brain waves.
A Quick Overview of The Different Brain Waves
- Delta: 0.5Hz to 4Hz, these brainwaves are related to dreamless sleep, unconsciousness, and drowsiness. Delta also occurs during the first stages of sleep or during deep meditation when we are awake but open to mental visualizations. This state is associated with creativity, daydreaming, intuition, and fantasizing.
- Theta: 4Hz to 7Hz. These are believed to strongly correlate with activities in the limbic system. They are associated with an increase in anxiety, inhibition, and behavioral activation. Theta waves are the most dominant waves noticed in most normal, relaxed adults as they go about their normal lives with alertness but without processing any information.
- Alpha: 8Hz to 12Hz. These have been linked to creativity. People who are nearing a solution or actively searching for one tend to emit these vibrations. Alpha pulses are also linked with mental work, body-mind coordination, calmness, learning, and alertness.
- Beta: 12Hz to 30Hz. These brainwaves are associated with normal information processing and mental activity. The higher ranges, from 17Hz to 30Hz, commonly known as “fast beta brainwaves, are associated with heightened alertness, anxiety, and fight or flight response.
- Gamma: 30Hz to 100Hz. This state is associated with waking states and can appear when processing information simultaneously in both hemispheres of the brain. Whales and dolphins also operate in the gamma frequencies.
Now, here’s the clincher:
Later studies have shown that Schumann resonance can also influence our emotional state. How? Because it is altering our brainwave frequencies.
Think about that for a second.
7.83 Hz Can Alter Your Mental State and Experience Profound Benefits
My point is not simply to take you down memory lane, far from it. I want to share with you the value that lies available to you should you tap into this healing vibration around you.
Despite all our advances in science in the modern age, we are yet to surpass the health, mental, and spiritual advantages that can be gained when we align ourselves with the natural order that surrounds us and makes up the infinite expanse of the universe.
And this is especially true when we talk about the fundamental Schumann resonance – 7.83 Hz.
Once you are exposed to this specific reverberance, you place yourself on the path of so many blessings that come with vibrating at the same pace as this planet.
Some of these include:
- Enhanced learning capabilities and cognition ability.
- Improved memory and retention.
- Body rejuvenation and physical healing.
- Improved awareness.
- Improved stress tolerance.
- Resistance to jetlag.
- Deep calmness.
- Improved mental coordination and inner awareness.
- Increased creativity.
Meditation techniques can get you far down this path. However, you don’t have to spend years mastering this hallowed technique. If you are just impatient – you could start reaping the rewards of this resonance instantly with Sound Therapy recordings, such as Isochronic tones or Binaural beats.
I created special tapes designed to help you tune into Schumann resonance pretty quickly, and you can find them here.
Awaken Your Creativity With Schumann Resonance
Schumann resonance pulls back the curtains and exposes the tip of the creative iceberg that exists just below your conscious awareness.
Tuning into this rejuvenating signal opens the gateway to deeper states of consciousness which evade us amid the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Many artists and creative personalities in the past have confessed to having risen to the loftiest of creative heights while they hung between sleep and wakefulness.
Perhaps the better way to get a grasp of the perks tied to 7.83 Hz consists in examining the effects that follow when it is taken away from the environment.
Experiments where individuals were placed in an environment where Schumann’s resonance of 7.38Hz had been taken away resulted in subjects developing migraine headaches, emotional distress, and other physical conditions.
Indeed, recent research has shown that changes in the environment, which push the resonance out of its normal range, can alter the delicate balances. For example – your brain/heart synchronization and the brain’s melatonin levels.
Some ill effects caused by abnormal Schumann ranges include:
Altered blood pressure; Reproductive, cardiac, neurological, and immune system problems; Mental disorders, depression, and suicide; Accidents, increased hospital admissions, sudden death, and many other stress-related occurrences.
Here is to all the prosperity and health that comes with tuning into Mother Earth. Cheers!
Align Yourself with The Cosmos
We live in a time when so many electrical and digital appliances and technologies are giving off signals of their own which distort the Schumann resonance around us.
You don’t have to suffer the sad effects of this distortion, though. You can attune to our planet’s heartbeat and get some of that natural love and wholeness that has always been your birthright.