Quit Smoking Meditation

Using Meditation To Quit Smoking – a Ground Breaking Method To Stop Smoking
Quit smoking is one of the biggest challenges you can face since cigarettes cause you to be physically dependent on them and make you become emotionally attached to them. This is why I created this unique program designed to help you quit smoking.
This meditation can help you to –
- Quit smoking without willpower.
- Stop the emotional addiction.
- Enjoy being a non-smoker.
- Leave your addiction as part of your past.
- Break free of your dependency on cigarettes.
- Become a role model for others who wish to quit.
How To Quit Smoking Without Suffering
This article will reveal why you are conditioned to believe that cigarettes serve you and give you a false sense of confidence, security, and relaxation. Also, I will show you how this meditation to quit smoking can help you eliminate this sabotaging programming that has been set in your mind.
Shortly after using this meditation, you will choose to liberate yourself from the emotional addiction and the excuses you keep telling yourself that sustain the smoking pattern.
The Times When You Attempted To Quit Smoking… Oh, The Misery!
How often have you promised yourself “never again” but soon after gave in to your cravings? How many times have you stopped smoking just to light up another cigarette?
I get it.
You want to quit desperately, but the fear of losing the cigarettes forever paralyzes you from making that change.
If you have ever tried quitting smoking before, you went through misery, anger, bitterness, and difficulty functioning.
During the so-called “quitting period,” you still kept obsessing about smoking, even long after the nicotine poison had completely left your body.
You might have physically quit smoking but didn’t really stop obsessing over it in your head. You were possessed by thoughts of smoking that caused you enormous suffering, even when you changed your behavior.
That is what makes the meditation to quit smoking so powerful – you can get rid of those compulsive and demanding voices in your head that convince you to ‘light up a cigarette now”!
When you tried to quit smoking, the coffee didn’t taste the same, hanging out with friends felt like hell, walking down the streets and seeing all the other smokers made the quitting days so much worse…
It was like an ongoing itch that you couldn’t scratch! The pain was unbearable. Every little thing puts you over the edge.
You still lived your life, but it wasn’t really you. It was the zombie you. I know exactly what it is like. I was there. I was smoking nonstop for long twelve years before I discovered the power of meditation.
My Embarrassing Addiction Story
Smoking was my addiction. Of course, I never saw it coming. I never planned to wind up like a filthy and disgusting chain smoker. I smoked about a pack and a half a day. This totaled 900 cigarettes a month – about 11,000 cigarettes a year.
I never knew when I would smoke the cigarette that would light up the cancer cells. The funny thing is that I didn’t care. Or I didn’t admit that I cared.
The cigarettes took over my life; my whole schedule was determined by the next smoking time. As a result, I was never focused – my mind was constantly preoccupied with, “When will I smoke next?”
I couldn’t enjoy my time with friends because they asked me not to smoke around them. I had to step outside, sometimes in the rain, snow, or heat. No matter the weather conditions, I was ready to do whatever it took to inhale those toxins into my lungs.
Little by little, I changed from a completely independent person to a clingy addict who only cared about my next fix.
I thought I was enjoying this.
Despite my “pure joy” from smoking, I knew I had to quit.
So I did – about 100 times a day.
When I had attempted to quit before, I was miserable, and I was suffering. It felt like there was no point in living like this, wanting something so badly that it hurt not having it.
I felt jealous of smokers during those periods that I allegedly “quit smoking.”
I was a wreck and felt like a dead woman walking. I kept on thinking, how would I do this for good?
Your Twisted Perception Of Cigarettes And Smoking
If you are like I was, before I became familiar with the life-changing meditation, we probably perceived smoking the same.
If you are a smoker reading this, you tend to feel that cigarettes are sort of a good friend. They provide a sense of safety net or a getaway during stressful days.
But here is the thing – there is NOT EVEN ONE smoker who loved smoking the first cigarettes. After a short while, with repetitiveness, the nicotine absorbs deeply into the blood system and as time goes by, the emotional bondage joins this party.
Therefore, smokers find such creative ‘logical’ justifications that support their behavior.
Now, you are absolutely convinced you love to smoke. But here is the catch: you don’t realize this “love” is a self-lie. An illusion.
It is nothing but an excuse your brain is making up in order to justify this destructive pattern that slowly murders you.
If you will not tell these love stories to yourself, how will you ever be able to continue smoking peacefully? In other words, you must rationally justify this action that causes you enormous discomfort in the back of your mind.
My special meditation is designed to help you cut loose the lies you tell yourself so you will be able to see that smoking doesn’t serve you.
Here Are Two Of The Most Common Beliefs Smokers Have
Smoking gives me confidence
Is that right? Do cigarettes really make you feel confident? For example, when you realize your pack is empty and there is no option at that moment to get more, and you start to panic and stress about it – would you call it a confident feeling?
And when you’re at work, or inside a building and cannot smoke for a while, the craving climbs up your spine – how confident do you feel then?
And when around friends at a bar, drinking your beer, you stop listening to what they say once you yearn for your fix. You completely stop being in that moment… would you describe that as feeling centered and self-assured?
That is actually the opposite of feeling confident – it makes you feel lost, ungrounded, completely imbalanced, and not in the zone. So, in fact, smoking makes you feel a lack of confidence every single day!
Non-smokers NEVER EVER experience these horrible sensations. Only smokers experience these unpleasant feelings of panic, anger, fidgetiness, and temporary insanity when they face a tiny bit of withdrawal symptoms.
The meditation’s purpose is to guide you to internalize that you are as powerful as who you are, even without smoking, and that nothing outside of you can ever provide you with the safety and protection you need.
Now that we refuted your false reason for continuing to smoke let’s move on to another common excuse that makes it so hard for you to quit smoking.
Smoking relaxes me
The truth is that cigarettes have never relaxed anyone. People fall into this trap because they are being tricked by their own minds.
When you smoke, twenty minutes after the dose of nicotine leaves your body, you are filled with enormous amount of stress, a lack of peace of mind, and discomfort.
You are tricked into believing that the next cigarette will relax you… but it’s doing nothing but filling a gap caused by the withdrawal of the last cigarette.
So you give the cigarette credit for relaxation, but not the blame for causing you to feel extremely nervous and anxious in the first place.
These reasons and others are nothing but EXCUSES to justify the systematic, slow suicide you are putting yourself through. But, unfortunately, those reasons became the deep beliefs that give the cigarettes so much power and control over you.
Listening to this meditation to quit smoking can replace these limiting beliefs with empowering ones.
I encourage you to explore more negative thoughts that have been rooted in your brain that support the continuation of smoking. Such as:
– I like the smell and the taste
– I like inhaling the smoke and feeling it in my throat
– I like my cigarettes after meals
Write them down on a paper and start the exploring, challenging, and refuting process. Remember these automatic thoughts are nothing but a collection of conditioning that hasn’t been explored yet. These are nothing but false stories you tell yourself to avoid the unpleasant dissonance.
Questioning your true motives will make the process of quitting smoking easier than ever before!
Don’t worry, you will not go through this alone. The meditation tool stands by your side in this process to assist you in re-wire your brain to adopt new paradigms that support your efforts to stop smoking.
Willpower Will Not Save You
Willpower has never been the answer to making changes. It took me time to really understand this.
Self-discipline is never the way! It never helped me quit smoking and it never helped millions of people around the globe who wanted to stop being enslaved to external substances.
Practicing meditation is the opposite of using willpower. Instead, it is about creating a change from within by shifting your perceptions.
When you take the cigarette out of your mouth, you don’t take it out of your head, and the emotional desire to smoke never leaves your system.
Maybe some people have used willpower to quit, but is it truly stopping? Forcing yourself over and over again to NOT do things? Facing inner battles constantly? That sounds like a nightmare to me.
Change is not about forcing yourself… change is not supposed to be accompanied by anguish, depression, and stress. It is about growing, healing, evolving, and feeling better and better as days go by.
If change is all about the good stuff, how is it almost impossible to enjoy the process? Why does it seem impossible to stop smoking without struggling, anger, or gaining weight?
If willpower is not the solution, then what is?
Quit Smoking By Embracing Smoke-Free Patterns In Your Brain
See, wrong perceptions of cigarettes prevent you from quitting smoking… and unless you change them, you will continue to be a smoker.
Constant exposure to this unique meditation can establish non-smoker habits within you. It is called – a brain wiring process.
You probably tried hard to quit smoking by forcing yourself to change your behavior, but it did not last long, and it also made you feel like a failure.
You felt guilty every time you wanted to smoke… you were mad at yourself that nothing was shifting even though you put so much energy into this.
When you finally alter your automatic looping thoughts about cigarettes, by listening to this meditation to quit smoking, not only will it be easy for you to stop, but you will also –
– Never miss a cigarette in your life.
– Never be jealous of other smokers – you will feel sorry for them.
– Get rid of the need and cravings to smoke.
– Feel completely indifferent to cigarettes without holding back.
– Continue to drink coffee and socialize without the need to hold a cigarette.
Feed Yourself With Nourishing Seeds Of Thoughts, Not With Nicotine
Using subliminal messages is one of the most powerful and scientifically proven methods to shift your toxic thoughts from scratch. That is precisely what this program is about.
Hidden commands
Exposing your mind to a nonstop stream of empowering messages that are focused only on quitting smoking can re-design your neural pathways. This groundbreaking meditation technology is so easy to use that you don’t have to make extra effort to apply it!
Subliminal audio is a unique technique because it deals directly with your subconscious mind. The hidden meditative suggestions bypass your hearing threshold and thus, evade your resistance.
Don’t worry if you cannot hear the words while you relax into it, because your unconscious absorbs everything (*it is a million times stronger than your awareness*).
Words of healing
Imagine that you can expose your mind to multiple messages when you are online, taking a bath, while you are asleep… imagine that you can create a life-changing process while you keep doing the same things you are doing anyway in your daily routine.
This is what I had in mind when I developed this quit smoking program (and all of the other meditations – check them out here) – to make it easy for you to finally move past smoking.
This program does not fit everyone
I recommend not using it if you have no desire to quit smoking. Or if you have no intention to make a change, or if you are not committed to your well-being.
However, if you are tired of being dependent on these toxic substances to fulfill you, or if you are ready to commit to your happiness and the life you want and deserve, and if you don’t want to be a smoker for good – then meditation is for you.
With this quit smoking formula, you will be bombarded with a stream of suggestions that, in due time, will clean your system of self-doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, and those disempowering feelings of “I can’t do it.”
In summary, how is this meditation going to help you stop the smoking cycle?
1. Through repetitive exposure, The hidden meditative commands can re-shape your mind to believe you don’t need to smoke to live happily.
2.It can make you internalize that you actually don’t give up anything when you quit smoking – you are only gaining your freedom and health!
3. The suggestions of this meditation to stop smoking are structured to neutralize your limiting programming that supports the vast impact cigarettes have on your life.
4. The set includes subliminal track for night use and day use.
The meditation is accompanied by relaxing music that will put you in a sleepy, meditative state, which will maximize the assimilation of the covert suggestions. The daytime audio has upbeat music, so you will not get numb while listening.
5. This session can reprogram your subconscious mind to stop smoking and by that, in time, your cravings for cigarettes will be significantly reduced or disappear altogether.
6. The quit smoking meditation will re-wire your brain to know it is safe to stop smoking and that feeling will minimalize the withdrawal symptoms.
7. The program has no time limit. Listen as much as you want. The more you listen, the faster your old conditioning will subside.
The Affirmations Of This Meditation
Every day in every way, my lungs are becoming cleaner and cleaner
Every day my body push away the nicotine out of my system
I am completely free of cigarettes
I am emotionally detaching myself from smoking
I let go of the need for smoking; I am happy to expel cigarettes out of my life
when I let go of cigarettes, I’m only gaining!
When I am giving up cigarettes, I am winning my life big time
True winners are free of addictions; I am a true winner!
The withdraw of nicotine is simply my body cleaning itself out of toxins
I hate smoking!
I am disgusted by cigarettes, their smell, and taste
I find smoking repulsive!
I joyfully and easily release the cigarettes out of my life
I am a success story of someone who quit smoking
I feel healthy, happy and vital when I release smoking out of my life
the smoking belongs to my past
I am cleaning myself out of cigarettes now
I feel high self-confidence, even when I am quitting cigarettes
I feel a deep sense of self-satisfaction when I free myself from smoking
I allow my body to clean itself of the cigarettes toxins
I release any emotional need to smoke and become completely free!
I am getting out of the smoking prison and getting out from slavery to freedom
it feels so good to breathe fresh air when my lungs are clean
I am happy when I let go of cigarettes
it feels wonderful to live my life when I let go of smoking
I happily expel cigarettes out of my life
the cigarettes have always lied to me and made me feel bad
I am tossing the cigarettes far away from my life, heart, and mind
I love myself when I quit smoking
I relax better when letting go of smoking
it is easy for me to deeply relax when smoking is out of my system
*** This EXCLUSIVE meditation can be purchased ONLY if you get one of these UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD plans: Premium or Ultimate. Click below to see the details of the plans.