Powerful Guidelines For Using Subliminal Messages

First of all, you should know that listening to subliminal messages is one of the most effective tools for tackling the limiting beliefs you have, the beliefs that prevent you from fulfilling your potential and living the full life you deserve.
Many celebrities and successful entrepreneurs are proof that this method gets them results by helping them achieve their life goals.
However, occasionally, people contact me to let me know that they’ve tried listening to subliminal audio-tapes created by others and are hesitant to purchase my recordings because it didn’t work for them.
Let’s do away with the myth that subliminal messages don’t work.
Saying that subliminal messages don’t work is a little like going to a gym to work out, not losing weight, and blaming the gym equipment for it – that is, saying that going to the gym doesn’t work.
So why have subliminal messages not worked for you in the past? Why do they work for other people? Why did they work for me?
Let’s go through the main guidelines for using subliminal messages:
1. Internal resistance
Some people react fast to such recordings, and some people react very, very slowly.
It all depends on the level of internal conflict you have when it comes to the area you are working on.
Psychology works on a range and not just on the extreme edges of the possible. In any given area of life, some people have a low resistance level, whereas others have more complex deep-seated blockages.
If you happen to have a high resistance level in an area you wish to work on, it is entirely likely that it will take you longer to see any results. This isn’t written in stone, but it is certainly a likely scenario.
Let’s take a loaded topic with numerous inter-related beliefs like money.
Perhaps you grew up in a rich household, one in which your father was absent due to frequent business trips. You may have abandonment issues that are deeply connected to money. Perhaps you believe that money deprives you of love.
In this case, your financial struggles may be related to rejection and abandonment issues, rather than money in and of itself.
So if you’re using subliminal audio to attract abundance, but at the same terrified of manifesting it because it may bring back all those traumatic memories – you have an inner conflict that needs to be resolved.
You would respond better to subliminal messages if you figure out the source of your issue and would be willing to really let go of any false idea, assumption or conditioning you have absorbed throughout the years.
Even when we decode the problem at its root, we need to be utterly OK with releasing the incorrect perceptions from our hearts and mind. Make peace with letting go of all the things that you thought were the truth.
2. Choosing the recording with the most appropriate affirmations
This is a super important point that I want you to pay close attention to.
Many times, when we are doing self-improvement work related to a particular area (money, love, career, quit addictions, etc.), our limiting beliefs are more connected to ourselves than to the thing we wish to accomplish.
Let’s look at weight-loss, for example. A little while ago I received an email from someone who told me he purchased a weight-loss related subliminal recording. Not only he was unable to reach the weight he wanted – he didn’t make any progress at all.
On the face of it, the recording included all the right weight-loss affirmations. However, the affirmations didn’t match his internal challenges, the real needs that needed to be addressed, in order to lose weight.
More often than not, when it comes to eating, the hunger we feel is for something specific. It is not necessarily a hunger for food.
It can be a hunger for comfort, love, or even self-reward (the food is just an escape tool from depression) and etc. It is entirely possible that an obese person may have no limiting beliefs related to healthy food or working out.
It is likely that this person’s ineffective patterns have to do with himself – for example, believing he is not worthy, not good enough, unloved, and so on.
In such a case, food consumption is merely a symptom of another issue such as low self-esteem, or even separation anxiety.
So make sure you have an idea of what is the root cause of the problem, and not just focusing on the result (weight gain).
Let’s take another example – a financial struggle.
When we have troubles attracting money, they can be related to limiting beliefs we have toward the issue itself (money) and/or negative conditioning regarding our sense of self.
Money related beliefs can be something such as –
- “Rich people are mean and care only about themselves”
- “It’s hard to make money”
- “More money more problems”
- “The resources are limited”
- “If I spend money, I will run out of it”
The sense-of-self issues that block us from gaining success can be –
- “I’m not good enough”
- “I don’t have what it takes to make things happen”
- “I’m not deserving of living the good life”
- “My needs are not important; I am not important”
Therefore, if you have weak self-esteem, sense of self issues, and not perceiving yourself as deserving of money, then you need to work on these areas, in order to solve your financial problems.
So in order to find laser-focused subliminal programs, what do you believe to be your blockages?
Don’t put your emphasis on your results, or the current conditions. These are just reflections of your underlying beliefs.
Ask yourself what are the negative paradigms that led you to live this reality?
3. Trial and error
Choosing the most accurate affirmations for your specific needs is a tricky process since we are often not fully aware of the beliefs that control us.
We don’t exactly know what causes us to act the way we do, or what triggers us. We’re not always certain about or which patterns act behind the scenes to influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
If you have not found recordings with affirmations that match your exact needs, you may be qualified for a custom recording. Check out more details here.
When I first started using subliminal messages, they didn’t work so well for me. This was because I chose affirmations that did not accurately match my needs.
Nonetheless, I didn’t give up. I didn’t say “subliminal messages are crap”.
I understood that I simply didn’t find affirmations that met my hidden needs and that finding the right affirmations was a process of trial and error – just like finding the right gym routine, the right diet and the right business model for a specific project.
If you’ve subscribed to my emails, you know that I am a sports fanatic and that I go to the gym at least four-five times a week. There are workouts in the gym that have zero effect on me whatsoever, and there are other exercises that lead to remarkable results.
I had to go through a lot of workout combinations that didn’t work before I found just the right ones for me.
To sum up
Subliminal messages are an excellent tool to help you get rid of destructive subconscious beliefs. They can help you embrace winning beliefs that will support your journey to healing and happiness.
The reasons I listed above are the main guidelines for using subliminal messages the right way.
It is important to note that there are other factors that affect success, such as repetition and consistency (which is key to achieving success) and focusing on one goal at a time (money, love, self-confidence, quit addictions, etc.) rather than spreading yourself thin among several goals at the same time.
You can definitely use different recordings at the same time period, as long as they are all related to the challenge you want to work on.
Yet another important element is becoming aware of the automatic patterns of your life, as much as possible. Mindfulness is a must if you want to achieve remarkable results.
You can find more information about all these important issues on the FAQ page, here.
Even if you are aware of subliminal messages and know how they work, I still recommend that you read the FAQ. It is possible that there are things you don’t know and just one piece of new information will lead you to achieve better results when listening to my recordings.
I invite you to browse the audio library and choose the right recordings for you. If you like more than one, you can get them all for one fixed price. Check out the unlimited downloads plans.