Negative Core Beliefs: 5 Easy Ways To Get Rid of Them

Whether you are aware of them or not, the life you live is a product of beliefs that lie deep within your mind. Some of them are negative core beliefs.
If you operate according to positive beliefs, you end up with the sort of life that other people dream about. Where there seem to be no boundaries to what you can accomplish and you experience an abundance of love and prosperity.
If you operate according to negative core beliefs you get the opposite and struggle to accomplish what you desire.
Limiting thoughts are usually the reason why two people from similar backgrounds with similar abilities and similar opportunities may end up with totally different levels of success.
While one may rise to the very top, manifesting his desires with ease, the other may struggle to accomplish anything. All while despising the other as being “lucky”.
What Are Negative Core Beliefs
Unhealthy beliefs are paradigms or ideas that are negative in their core; they set a limit on your outlook on life and put a cap on the amount of happiness you feel you deserve.
They are statements you tell yourself to justify every counter-productive action you take that takes you away from your goals. The ineffective core beliefs cause you to shoot yourself in the leg over and over again when you try to manifest your desires.
These negative thoughts are the stories you tell yourself as an excuse for why your circumstances cannot change.
Harmful thoughts and core beliefs exhibit themselves in many different ways.
Here Are Some Everyday Examples of Limiting Beliefs:
- Oh, she’s out of my league – she can’t possibly be attracted to a guy like me.
- Only greedy and selfish people end up wealthy – otherwise, I would be wealthy as well.
- Money flow is limited. Money is the root of all evil.
- True love does not exist – you have to settle for whoever comes along or end up lonely.
- I’m not good enough like my colleagues who went to Ivy League schools – I better keep my mouth shut at work.
- I will only feel worthy when I start earning six figures. Only then can I be happy.
- Life is hard and you have to be lucky to succeed in it – keep your head down and don’t expect too much so you don’t get disappointed.
- What I desire is not important; I have to please others at all costs so that they like me.
- I am not deserving of happiness and success.
- Unlike others, I am not talented enough or smart enough, or valuable enough.
- There is limited wealth in the world for everybody so I better hold on to it while I can.
- I am not worthy of love. Why would anyone ever love me?
- Success does not come easy – I need to work very hard to reap any results.
And so on and so forth.
These negative core beliefs and paradigms express themselves in an unlimited number of ways, designed to keep you away from what you consciously desire.
Your Beliefs Impact Your Behaviour
Here are two examples from daily life that illustrate how negative patterns make you act in certain ways.
You run across someone you really like one day at a party. They are so good-looking they blow you away. This is your dream partner standing right in front, and they seem to have noticed you and are smiling your way.
You want to go over talk, and maybe ask for their number later. However, for some reason you stay rooted to the spot; you can’t move.
Your brain starts having all sorts of negative beliefs and ideas like “They can’t possibly like me, who am I kidding? I’ll just make a fool of myself by going over to talk”.
Suddenly, your shoes become the most interesting thing in the room for you and you keep your head down for the rest of the evening.
During work sessions at the office, you never give your opinion, even when your supervisor asks for it. You believe you are no one important to be heard, because you suffer from a poorly developed sense of self, and what you think does not matter.
You may not even agree with the resolutions being taken by those in the meeting, but you ask yourself: What does it matter? My ideas are not relevant and everyone will think I’m stupid.
Destructive core beliefs are located in your subconscious so you are more than likely to believe them and take them for truth. They are like that one friend you have that makes it unnecessary to have enemies.
Let’s explore 5 easy and practical ways to clear these negative beliefs.
How to Challenge Negative Beliefs and Replace them With Empowering Beliefs
So long as you have these negative automated core beliefs running your life, every attempt to manifest your goals is going to be an uphill task or outright impossible.
Because they are stored in the unconscious part, they are able to override any of your conscious desires which do not agree with them.
If you have negative conceptions about money, you are going to struggle with amassing wealth and keeping it.
If you possess toxic thoughts and perceptions about yourself, you are going to struggle at believing in yourself in social situations and your interactions with others.
Or if you hold on to negative views about love, or anything else, you are going to struggle to attract any desires in these areas. Why? because they are not aligned with the negative models that exist in your subconscious.
It, therefore, stands to reason that a key part of achieving your desires and making your dreams come true lies with dissolving these erroneous subconscious patterns.
These limitations lie deep within our psyche and the way to approach them is to replace them with effective core beliefs that align with the goals we want to accomplish.
5 Ways to Change Core Beliefs
1. Question Your Negative Beliefs
Don’t just believe the stories or excuses you tell yourself the moment you set your mind to something. Challenge them and ask, “Is this really true”?
Byron Katie talks extensively about this in her book, “Loving What Is”. Negative thoughts are very easy to believe because over time you have come to see them as ‘truth’. But you don’t have to believe them by default; challenge them and expose them for the lies they are.
2. Offer Convincing Alternatives
When you challenge a negative core belief, you want to adopt a convincing alternative instead. If an alternative seems too outlandish and inspires resistance, choose another positive affirmation to counter the toxic thought.
When you are insecure
For example, if a situation triggers you to start feeling insecure or not good enough, you can counter it with affirmations like:
I am good enough just as I am and just because I exist. If God created me, that means I am good enough for God. There is nothing wrong with me and nothing which I have to prove. I alone determine my self-worth and this negative belief is merely a lie that gained momentum.
Negative beliefs about money
If you feel that you are succumbing to the core belief that there is a shortage of money for everybody, you can immediately counter it with:
If rich people can generate millions from multiple income streams then there must be an endless abundance that can also flow back to me. Just like the air we breathe, money can come in and out freely and effortlessly.
When feeling unworthy
When you realize you give in to the beliefs that say you are not worthy of love, you can reassure yourself with a counter thought like:
I am worthy of love simply because I exist. Just because my needs for love have not been met in childhood, that is not my fault. It was never about me. I am amazing just the way I am. I have a lot of value to offer to this world.
When among others and you feel you are compelled to try to please everybody and prove yourself valuable, you can reply with:
I don’t have to prove myself to anybody in order to “win” their love. I can be myself and that is okay.
Just like animals in the zoo are confident and don’t stop being themselves to please on looking tourists, I too believe I am good enough and need not bend over backward to present an image. The right people will see my worth, and I can just be myself and relax.
Overwhelmed by life
Should you find yourself frustrated and overwhelmed by the negative core belief that life is hard, you can challenge that thought with a belief like:
There is abundance flowing through the universe and it moves effortlessly. As long as I enjoy what I do, and improve my skills in it, wealth will come easy to me.
You can come up with your own affirmative ideas so long as you believe them and they make sense to you.
3. Recognize Your Triggers
To uncover which core beliefs are the source of your suffering, you have to identify what triggers them into action. There are two steps to this process:
Step 1: These are situations that cause negative emotions (fear, resentment, anger, shame, guilt, etc.) to bubble up to the surface.
Rather than shun these feelings because they make you uncomfortable, embrace them, and see them for what they are – pointers to deeper knots buried within your subconscious.
Don’t suppress your pain; allow yourself to feel the emotions for a little while. After that, ask yourself which junk programming stands at the bottom of the painful emotions you are feeling.
Why you feel angry, unworthy, insecure, small inside, undeserving? Are you afraid you will end up alone? Are you acting out because you feel insecure?
Do you feel compelled to push your needs aside to gain validation or feel belong? Or because you were taught that it is selfish to prioritize your happiness?
Find the triggers behind the emotion that rises.
Step 2: When you become accustomed to probing your feelings and the triggers behind them – disrupt this neuro-pathway. You can do this by repeating the new list of beliefs.
Don’t be shy about this; repeat them over and over again. This is the first step to exiting the cycle of pain.
4. Keep Repeating the Positive Beliefs Whenever You are Triggered Whether You Are Alone or With Others
Whether you are out and about with friends or just surfing the internet on your own at home, endeavor to counter your negative core beliefs with empowering statements whenever you feel you’re triggered.
As soon as you start noticing your core belief taking hold, immediately substitute it with an empowering thought. Consistent repetition of healthier beliefs will eventually remove your negative convictions of beliefs.
5. Mind Training Methods
My favorite thought-shifting method is to use subliminal messages. The hidden suggestions can alter your subconscious beliefs and gradually help you erase your negative beliefs and install healthy thoughts instead.
This tool combines the previous methods into one so that you can experience the change you need by simply hit ‘play’ during your downtime to listen to a set of recorded empowering affirmations.
I created many audio programs targeting all the most common negative beliefs that are likely to keep you from fulfilling your goals.
You can fast-track your way to your dreams by listening to these recordings. Get instant access here.
Once you eliminate those negative core beliefs and switch them with better ones you will enter a realm of miracles and abundance where your dreams and desires will flow into your life with ease.
And you can do this with the steps outlined, and even more easily with the recordings I created. Don’t hold back. Take action now and see your core beliefs and life changes for the better.
Your present struggles are merely symptoms of a much deeper problem. The key to moving past them towards your goals lies in eliminating negative reality assumptions that have been holding you back.