How to Release Resistance When Creating a Change?

You constantly hear the phrase “just let it go” tossed around by coaches and gurus, but what does it mean? How do you actually do that in everyday life and release resistance?
Many years ago, well before I dove deep I engaged in self-growth and law of attraction practices, I felt stuck in several areas, especially my financial situation.
I wanted big changes to happen in my life, but I kept contradicting them with generating resistance.
See, even though I consciously wanted to transform my results in life, I had found myself moving in the same loop year after year.
I ended up investing a lot of effort and energy that eventually lead me nowhere, which spiraled a huge frustration that increased my resistance much more.
“Maybe it’s not my time”, I thought as I neglected my wishes for a while.
One day, I was sitting in a coffee shop, reading an article in some entrepreneurial magazine. It said that one of the main reasons the change we desire is not occurring in our lives is because of our own resistance.
There and then, I faced the blockage I encountered each time on my way to manifestation. The blockage was… me.
Why Do You Resist Positive Changes
Resistance is a natural reaction to change. It protects us from dangers and enemies along the way, it preserves our existence and helps us survive.
The same force that keeps us alive also prevents us from really living.
The resistance prevents us from living the life we truly desire, it shackles us with chains and makes us slaves to our own thoughts and fears. It points out every “what if” every time you’re thinking about stepping out of the familiar space.
The resistance is part of your inner voice; it discourages you and will always be there to tell us why a certain thing you want will not work.
How many times have you heard others complain “I am not happy in this relationship, but I am too scared to be alone”? Or, “I have a great business idea, but it’s too difficult to make it happen?”
It is easy for you to listen to others and give them friendly advice, but when it comes to your own life, you give in to the dark voices your inner resistance produces, rather than surrendering to the Universe.
In the end, letting go of resistance involves trust.
It’s about releasing control- which is something that you never really had in the first place.
Letting go is to put your trust in the divine, knowing deep down that everything is OK, and will always be OK, whether or not you receive the things you want.
The Path Of Least Resistance
The 4 tools presented below will help you cope better with the internal battle between you and the positive changes you wish to make in your life.
These are specially designed to assist you to live your passion without caving to the “common sense” mask the resistance is wearing.
1. Only when you are ready
Sometimes, you might want to change a certain aspect of life, but this feeling is merely a passing thought and not a true need.
So it’s important that you know to distinguish between your random wants and your authentic goals.
From my experience, if you keep thinking of something for a while and it doesn’t leave you alone – then it’s a true need and you better do something about it.
A real change can occur only if it is burning within when you constantly thinking about it. Or when you cannot sleep at night because the Adrenalin is washing through the body. Then, you know it is time and you need to act.
2. Know what to expect
Every time you decide to go through a profound transformation, expect to experience resistance.
It could be in the form of self-doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that have one purpose – to block you from moving forward.
It is okay, don’t be afraid of that internal resistance that’s trying to ensure your safety. It is your brain’s natural protective mechanism in action.
Expect it to happen and then do it anyway.
3. Accept the fear, don’t fight it
There are two common mistakes people make when facing resistance –
1. They either fight it or 2. They listen to it and accept the doubt as absolute truth.
Whenever you start to experience this annoying negative chatter in your head that says “it will not work”, don’t fight it. This will help you release the fear much faster than resisting it.
Simply accept it with genuine understanding. Then, tell yourself, “thank you, dear limbic system, for watching out for me, but I got this now.”
4. Persist
Persistence is the pathway to success. The wealthiest people in the world say they always keep on going, no matter how rough the road gets.
Even if you don’t notice different results at first, keep on going until you do. Be persistent. Remember that changes don’t happen overnight and you need to develop resiliency.
As you allow yourself to let go of barriers and breakthrough your own limitations, your self-confidence will grow.
Check out my favorite method to break free of the unconscious limiting beliefs and allow change and abundance to flow into your life.
It is important you understand that you might not get all that you want exactly as you planned. Heck, you might not achieve anything at all… but what is certain is that you will not regret trying.
Thank you. The four tools are very helpful.I think we all need signs to smooth the journey of life. It helps when we have helpful road signs to read to make our trip more enjoyable!!
Definitely! Guidance along our journey is necessary in order to reach the destination we truly want. Keep on following the posts since I plan to share great value with the Vortex community.
i like your topic it great
Thank you!
Really great info. Looking forward to more of it. I am one who needs it.
Thank you, that topic came to me in the right time as I doubt myself of being able to achieve what I want to. Be aware, acknowledge, accept…