8 Ways To Manifest Abundance And Wealth The Right Way

After almost 10 years of financial independence, I can say that I’ve discovered ways to manifest abundance. I want to share my insights with you, my choices, and the roads I took, so you can expand, and grow it in your own life as well.
Without further ado, here are the steps to manifest wealth, fast.
1. The Ultimate Rule To Manifest Abundance: Understand the Energy of Abundance
The energy of abundance is love. How come?
In an ideal reality, we do what we love to do: writing, singing, cooking, educating, consulting, etc.
Everyone has a special talent, or gift if you prefer. You can learn to manifest higher income by sharing your blessings. You give the world your abundance and receive it back in return.
As you do something inspired by your passion, you’re like a torch that radiates light. You share your love with others and, in return, you get rewards from the Univers. Wealth is a physical response to the light you spread.
I truly love creating my mind-shifting programs. I enjoy researching each topic, exploring the right affirmations that can help counter the most common negative beliefs.
I enjoy formulating the affirmations, editing them, choosing appropriate and relaxing music, matching the right vibrational frequencies for every specific subject, and then recording the entire program.
I also really take pleasure in writing these valuable insights to you, because I know you’re going to benefit from it, and, consequently, your life will improve.
Money is never my primary motive. Rather, I focus on communicating the positive values I was blessed with and share with those who practice personal development and choose to enhance their lives.
So when you understand that manifesting abundance is simply an expression of love, it’s so much easier to enjoy it. So do what you desire and don’t compromise on it.
2. Abundance Always Flows Forward
Abundance is similar to a river. When water flows in the river, the mud drifts up from the bottom and the river expands its width and depth. The purpose of the river is to constantly flow.
Abundance act in the same way. As you allow it to enter into your experience and enable its constant flow, it will grow stronger in your reality.
But, if you focus only on accumulating wealth and excessively saving it, that won’t help you manifest abundance, because there’s no stream going on.
The abundance gets stuck. In order to manifest abundance, you need to let it move from you and through you.
Sure, I often save money. I keep enough savings on hand to cover my basic expenses for 6 months, just in case. The rest is invested in other avenues of income.
But my passion for saving doesn’t stem from a sense of lack, such as “Oh, I must save so I won’t go broke.” That’s not the case.
My motive for saving does not resonate with stress or neediness. It comes from a state of relaxed decision to be responsible.
I also love to spend on things that resonate with me. I go to spas, coffee shops, retreats, ski resorts, hair salons, and beach hotels (though I much prefer camping, so that is my first go-to option when vacationing).
However, I maintain a sense of balance. If I want something, I’ll buy it. And not only will I buy it, but I’ll also ENJOY the purchase without feeling bad or guilty about it.
But I’ll also be reasonable. I won’t spend all my money on things that will drain my bank account. The key is to treat your financial wealth as an intersection or a crossroads: allow the flow, and don’t create heavy traffic.
3. Manifest Abundance Using Effective Words and Thoughts
You already know the power words and thoughts have. Actually, thoughts have more power than words. Words are just a vehicle to convey thoughts.
So when you say things such as “it’s hard to become rich,” or “I can’t afford it,” there’s a thought behind those words that says “I live in scarcity”, “There isn’t enough abundance to go around”.
Try to be mindful of the things you say. Then, after you master it, reflect on your thoughts and question them.
For example, the next time you go to a furniture store to buy a living room set, don’t tell the salesperson “I can’t afford it.” Yes, you CAN afford it! However, you CHOOSE to pick something else that incongruent with your current budget, and that can be equally good.
4. Keep Bills Visible In Your Wallet To Attract Wealth
Here’s a nice trick that will keep your money vibration high that won’t require much effort to manifest abundance.
I always make sure to keep a $100 bill in my wallet. When I see it, it reminds me that there’s always abundance available, that I have the funds right now and always.
Also, try not to have debt. Debt keeps you trapped in the mindset of lack and scarcity. It lowers your mood and cripples you from the inside.
So do whatever you can to ensure your energetic and financial balance is not negative. Consult with a professional, read what experts say, educate yourself about ways to end debt. Do it with ease rather than with inner pressure to figure things out right away.
5. Your Abundance Reality Reflects Who You Are
Remember that what you have, is a reflection of who you are: your beliefs, patterns, conditioning, and definitions.
You have the exact abundance you’re supposed to have according to the way you’re programmed. Successful people always manifest the abundance they desire because their brain is designed to attract it.
Yes, I know you’ve got strong desires as well when it comes to abundance and wealth. Your vortex goodie bag is full of abundance. But you’re not there yet. Emotionally you still cannot contain a massive presence of prosperity.
Resistance is blocking your path to manifest abundance like clouds block sunlight. The sun is always there, above those clouds, but it has no way to pass through their thickness and light your day.
When I was flat broke, with no hope or prospects for a better situation, I always blamed others. I was jealous of those who manifested abundance and felt that life wasn’t fair.
But let me tell you something: Life is fair. You get exactly what you believe in.
Thankfully, I was evolved enough to question my brain-wiring and explore the loser mindset I had at that time.
I figured out the damaging limiting subconscious beliefs that were preventing me from manifesting abundance. Them, I looked for ways to shift them, so my financial reality could finally change forever.
Subliminal messages have been and always will be my preferred way to re-channel my neural pathways. Nothing beats them. Take my word for it.
6. Don’t Do Things That Go Against Your Conscience
In your journey to manifest abundance, make sure you are aligned with your values. Don’t let greediness interfere with what you stand for.
But sometimes, you’ll get tempted. The different opportunities that come your way can tempt your ego and open the door to greediness. Listen to your intuition and what feels right. Be rooted in your values.
If you receive an offer that doesn’t feel good, listen to what your gut tells you and don’t accept it.
I always get requests for custom recordings. Every session costs $147. I decline about 20% of the requests I receive because they don’t sit well with my conscience.
For example, people ask me to create audios to make a specific person fall for them. I know that won’t work.
The affirmations are supposed to focus on YOU and your negative emotions or paradigms and not on other people. Actually, it goes deeper than that, but I won’t discuss that here.
So I just don’t do it. At the end of the day, it’s a lot of money that I refuse to accept.
But since I know abundance is energy, I also know that it will continuously cross my path in so many other ways, and I always get to stay true to myself and be happy about it.
7. Everything Is Possible
I have found great houses for investment in amazing locations at a cost that was waaayyy lower than the market price.
Why? Because I believed it was possible, that houses like that were out there abundantly, and that I deserved it.
Many people tend to look for what’s familiar to them, or what they think they can find. So when things look too good to be true, they’re suspicious and they rule them out immediately. The Universe sends us gifts all the time. But many of them just go under the radar because people are not used to containing all this goodness.
This way of thinking perpetuates a mentality focused on the lack of wealth. So instead of dreading wonderful opportunities that seem too good to be true, don’t knock them – explore them. Come with an open mind and see if there’s true potential there.
You can come by many things for free, or for a very low price if you believe that you deserve to manifest abundance and just accept them with gratitude.
8. Deal With Your Fear That Blocks You From Manifesting Abundance
Most problems with manifesting abundance comes from deep-rooted fears:
Fear of not having enough, fear you will have too much to handle, that you will fail, or that others will become jealous of you, and so much more…
I cannot emphasize enough that fear is the root of all limitations. It can make you become needy and clingy. Fear can prevent you from breaking free of your amazing potential and get stuck in the comfort zone that takes you nowhere.
You are so gifted and blessed with unique talents. These alone can push you to manifest abundance with ease. But fear causes you to keep your greatness within. It keeps you blind to the greatness you’ve got there.
I know that anxiety has stopped me so many times when it was time to take action. I didn’t believe that my actions would help me manifest the abundance I wanted.
Find out what you fear. Dare to see the truth behind it. And then face it by questioning it. Then, find empowering alternatives, and gradually, release them. I also encourage you to read self-help books such as Loving What Is by Byron Katie, meditate and practice emotional healing of past traumas.
Here’s a special track I’ve uploaded that is designed to align you with the vibration of abundance manifestation. It’s super powerful, so I encourage you to give it a try when you’re ready to make real progress. You can find it here.
Take small steps each day to challenge yourself and, if need be, get professional help.
To Wrap Things Up
Your mind definitions shape your physical world. Your emotional and mental state is the cause of your results in the material world.
If you have a hard time manifesting abundance, deep down you might believe you don’t deserve to have it. Or perhaps you have unhealthy associations with the concept of abundance and living a comfortable lifestyle.
If you feel disempowered, poor, and unsafe (internally), it’s because this is your dominant energy. You are conditioned to feel this way.
Your neurons in the brain parts that are in charge of processing feelings are wired to keep you in the cycle of suffering.
Don’t fall into the trap of “If I have more wealth, I will get better.”
I thought that, too, and it led me to more depression, anxiety, and hopelessness.
Material possessions will not lead to happiness and peace. Be happy and content FIRST and then, from that point only, manifest abundance and money into your physical reality. Emotional manifestation always comes first.
Abundance is all around you all the time. You don’t need to struggle to manifest it or chase it or be needy about it. Like a tree doesn’t have to strive to get sun and water to grow, neither do you.
Face the fears that close in on you. Explore yourself, your self-sabotaging patterns, your abundance manifestation blocks and then work on being in alignment with your goals.
I invite you to check out how I changed my subconscious paradigms and turned from flat broke into a successful entrepreneur who gained financial freedom.