Body Image Problems

Body Image Problems
This session for body image problems can re-design your brain to embrace a positive outlook on your body and learn to genuinely love it as you put your old conditioning in your past.
- Feel completely comfortable with your body.
- Have confidence in your looks.
- Love and accept your body and appearance.
- Feel free with your body around others.
- Nourish your body with healthy choices.
How Do You Perceive Your Body
Negative body image destroyes your confidence, self-worth, and happiness. If you don’t stop and question this programming, it significantly impairs your quality of life.
Before we go over the body image problems, ways to manage them, and explore practical solutions, I want you to take a moment.
Close your eyes and try to describe your senses… what is the image of the body you see in your mind?
For example, do you love your thighs? Or do you think they are too limp and out of shape? Would you like to be taller? Shorter? With high cheekbones? Maybe have more toned muscle definition? Fewer wrinkles?
Your Complicated Relationship With The Mirror
So many of us, and maybe you, are constantly preoccupied with our looks to an extent it creates a massive tension inside us.
Your relationship with the mirror used to be so simple but has become highly complicated.
Sometimes the mirror reflects images that sit well in your head and so many other times, you perceive the reflected image as something unbearable.
Here is a thought that is worth contemplating – would your life really change if you change your body to the extent that you are satisfied?
What will you earn from becoming more “appealing”, according to your version? Would you have more friends? Have more self-confidence? Would you feel more valuable and worthy? Have a better job?
It is highly possible that if you have directed all of the energy you invest in your body towards other sources, such as loving yourself, you would have accomplished enormous achievements!
Why Do You Have Body Image Complications
The media is loaded with images of gorgeous people with no skin flaws or cellulite (Photoshop and makeup can do wonders!), and the clear message we receive is that this is how you are supposed to look.
Do you look different? Have skin imperfections? Are you a few pounds overweight? You are an outcast! Of course, this isn’t true, but this is how the brain subconsciously perceives it and that is the engine that starts the body image distortions.
At the beginning of our lives, we mostly feel comfortable with our bodies and appearance. As children, we don’t really care. But as we grow up, the constant beauty images and the “supposed to look like” messages we absorb every day have their impact.
We no longer feel at home in our own skin. So instead of valuing ourselves for who we are or what we can offer to the world, we judge ourselves mainly by one category – our looks.
How To Overcome Body Image Problems
Is your appearance genuinely standing in your way to happiness? Not at all.
Research shows that people who went through plastic surgery still experience depression and low self-esteem.
Moreover, those who have a healthy body image accept themselves as they are, and from that state of pure acceptance, they strive for change and growth.
In a society that worships youth and thinness, no wonder so many of you suffer from self-image issues. It makes it so hard to honor your ever-changing body, love your beautiful imperfections, and learn to appreciate its shifts in the circle of life.
After spending so many years focusing on the negative aspects, how could you train your mind to embrace positive patterns of perceptions?
Define your value
The reason why you are solely focusing on your body’s imperfection is that you may be suffering from a poorly developed sense of self.
It is time that you nourish that self. Build a strong foundation so you will not have to direct your attention to your flaws.
Allow yourself to define your needs and make it a priority to meet them.
Recognize who you are as a person, what makes you – you. Identify your core values and the things you stand for, and decide what is essential to you… Then, encourage yourself to act on it and listen to your inner voice.
These practices will help you strengthen your foundation and essence and acknowledge your worth.
Then, as you finally start feeling good enough just as you are, you will also feel complete, fulfilled, and an emotionally centered individual.
In other words, you will not see your entire being only through the narrow prism of body and appearance.
Explore the automatic thoughts that cause you pain
“I am so fat.”
“My big belly is disgusting.”
“I am not masculine enough.”
“My nose is too big.”
“I am going bald, and it makes me feel ugly.”
“My facial skin is getting hideous redness and wrinkles.”
It is very easy to roll down into an endless abyss of negative thoughts if you are unaware of them. So I encourage you to listen to yourself, to the views responsible for the body image problems, and just… explore them.
You will reveal that it is not your body or face that has the problems but your twisted perceptions about it.
The thought that your body, face, or hair should be different, and once it is changed, you will be happy, is the thought that causes your suffering.
The Beliefs That Cause You Suffering
The belief that your “flaw” is the one to blame for all your suffering and “bad luck” in life is the cause of your pain.
It is not your fat cells, your skin, your breasts, or thighs that prevent your joy, but the belief that “it should be different”.
But that belief is just toxic programming. It is not real. You were born to feel good about yourself. You were born whole and divine. But your inner critic – that is the fake one.
You learned to believe a bunch of lies about yourself that are not congruent with your divine self. Nature in its being is always of growth and regeneration rather than decline.
You are an integral part of nature, the Universe, the divine creation, and therefore, any thought that brings you out of peace is nothing but fiction.
Pursuing youth and beauty as the media insists, pushes you away from the ability to see your own beauty.
You Were Hanging So Tight On False Thoughts Without Even Considering Better Approaches
I recommend simply exploring your body image thoughts and offering alternative options that don’t stir up any resistance.
For example –
“I am an extension of the divine, and as such, I am good enough just as I am.”
“Many non-western cultures value and respect the beauty and wisdom of adults. In these cultures, the years of aging symbolize a rich life experience, prudence, and discretion”.
Likewise, explore your need to have a different body, skin, hair, or nose. When you feel the need to change your appearance, it is worthwhile to check with yourself: will this make me happy? Will I truly feel whole?
Or do I focus on my appearance because it is an escape route from dealing with the REAL traumas?
Do I hate the way I look because my mom or dad made fun of me? And if that is so – could it be that they projected their own insecurities on me?
Why do my worth determine by someone else? Don’t I have the sole authority to determine my value?
Maybe you were conditioned to look down on yourself because you felt neglected and rejected, so you blamed how you looked for the mistreatment you received?
Make peace with yourself
When you were born, the adults around you repeated a particular script and made you memorize it, whether or not you wanted it.
Day after day, you were exposed to that script in magazines and on TV, comparing with others, statements such as “this is how a woman is supposed to be like” and other ideas that have no basis in reality.
You never checked in with yourself if that script was suitable for you and, as a result, surrendered to the belief that they are right.
This is how body image problems begin, and if you do not explore them and reveal their bluff, they will continue to haunt you.
You must understand that there is no such thing as “it is supposed to be this way.” Nothing is supposed to be anything.
Letting go of the “it is supposed to be this way” paradigm will bring you one step closer to eliminating unhealthy body image views.
So what if you’re not perfect?
We are not perfect. We have scars and beauty marks. It is OK not to be thin (as long as it doesn’t risk your health). It is OK if you are bald or your nose is not similar to a Greek god statue. You are fine just the way you are.
It is natural that we will be different without fitting ourselves into the single, one-dimensional category the media is pushing nonstop.
It is not the flaws that block your path to happiness. It is your destructive perception that sees what you have as flaws. The false outlook creates image problems, and “defects”.
Life can be a fun and adventurous journey, free of toxic views, blockages, and pain when you carry a positive body image.
A balanced body image will enhance your life beyond belief. You will return to your wholeness state. You will feel free, liberated, at peace, self-assured, desirable, sexy, and mentally and physically healthier.
It will be easy for you to enjoy sex, and intimacy, let go of inhibitions, enjoy social interactions, and meet your need to express your authenticity.
The secret to a satisfying life depends on your programming – your subconscious patterns. So, a genuine change can occur only when you finally shift your unconscious perceptions.
Getting rid of your junk programming will result in defeating body image problems.
And here, I want to offer you my preferred solution for replacing your sabotaging paradigms that subsequently can transform your life!
Subliminal Messages To Overcome Body Image Problems
This empowering meditation contains powerful suggestions designed to reach your subconscious mind.
The hidden commands are built to re-channel your neural wiring so you can view yourself in a much better light. This session was created to help you eliminate the destructive blockages and the obsessed inner critic.
Shortly after exposing your subconscious to this program, the false image you have of yourself and your body will significantly improve; you’ll learn to feel comfortable in your own skin, and finally accept and love your body and appearance no matter its weight, size, or shape.
Liberate Your Mind
The hidden suggestions will bypass your hearing threshold and your cynical and natural resistance. The absence of resistance is the primary key to allowing the powerful affirmations to find their way to the unconscious level.
Do not worry if you cannot fully hear the affirmations. Even though the awareness cannot grasp them, your unconscious can absorb all the data around you at any given moment.
The Affirmations
I am at peace with my body
I truly love my body at all times
Every day, in every way, I accept my body more and more
I am beautiful just the way I am
I easily let go of perfection and enjoy the body I have
With every breath, I inhale divine love and release tension
I am surrounded and protected by a healing angelic light
It is safe for me to love my body
It is ok to release perfection patterns from my system
I happily love and accept my imperfection
My body is wonderful and magnificent just the way it is now
I genuinely love my self and live my life with pure joy
I find it pleasant and easy to make healthy choices
My body is incredible and I am thankful for it
I easily acknowledge the beauty my body possesses
I have the infinite ability to love myself for who I am
I take absolute responsibility for living a healthy lifestyle
I only care about what I think of myself and my body
I think highly of my body
My self-talk is always positive and empowering