Cultivate An Abundance Mindset To Get Rid of Scarcity Thinking

An abundance mindset is a concept that encompasses any area you can think of in your life. This mindset is crucial to embracing a better life because it knows no limit, no restrictions. These intangible, purposeful means are infinite and available for everyone.
A scarcity mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that resources are finite. In this particular example, we’re not talking about petroleum or precious stones.
Rather, when we discuss scarcity mindset, we refer to an attitude that limits our control over our destinies. We do that by believing that happiness, richness, health, gratitude, friendship, love, support, and so on, are finite resources.
It may be difficult to create a mindset of abundance t right away – we are only human, after all. Our brains have been wired from the dawn of mankind to adjust to scarcity – humans must battle for food, water, territory, and mates in order to survive.
Consequently, our mind is often reluctant to accept the theory of “plenty”. Why would it be easy to accept the very thing our biology has been advised against? Nevertheless, fostering this healthy winner’s mentality is worth fighting for.
How an Abundance Mindset Can Transform Your Life
Abundance leads to a happier life, and it also leads to your best life. And hell, isn’t that what we’re all after in the end? To experience the best reality possible?
It is key in living a satisfying life because mastering an abundance mindset is known to improve any result you’ll ever pursue.
As an example, I used to believe that abundance equated to money. Then, I took a life-changing trip to the Far East. These people, these families, had nothing. Nevertheless, they were joyful and they lived each day with passion and purpose.
Why, then, were some of my friends and acquaintances from the West depressed, anxious, and unfulfilled, despite their wealth? I knew I was missing something, and I knew I was about to discover powerful insights regarding scarcity and abundance.
I did a lot of soul-searching, desperately searching for the truth. Was it enough to be content with life despite struggling to keep a roof over your head? Likewise, was it enough to be displeased with your life, but want for nothing?
I came to this conclusion: wealth alone is not abundant living, and joy alone is not a mindset that demonstrates abundance.
In a bigger picture sense, it is a profound flourishing in multiple areas of our lives that create a beautiful and sacred balance. We must have an abundance mindset and action sequence in regard to finance, as well as well-being, gratitude, friendship, love, and support.
Natural Resources of Abundance
Abundance can be found all around us, as easily as spotting the blue of the sky overhead when we become trained in the art of recognizing it.
Nature itself reflects the plentifulness of our universe. The stars, the moon, the oceans, the birds, the mountain peaks – these “assets” were never earned by mankind.
Rather, we were born into the abundance of existing on our planet. These beautiful artifacts of creation simply “are,” there for us to view and experience. They are here, available for you whenever you wish.
The abundance mindset sees the world in terms of “there is endless goodness that surrounds us”. When we construct the traits of this winning approach, we do so with the understanding that there is never a scarcity of love, or funds, or health. There is enough to go around for us all to thrive in our destined alignment.
Simply put, our mindset controls our view of the world, and far too often, we focus on what we lack. However, when we trade our limiting beliefs with the outlook of infinite possibilities – we, ourselves, become infinite in our potential.
The law of attraction states that you will receive what you believe. When your mindset is drawn to the holes in your life… when your mindset is trained to spot the scarcity – you will find that this prophecy becomes your existence.
However, when you are convinced that there is plenty for you, and good things will cross your path, you will receive blessings.
Shift From a Scarcity To an Abundance Mindset
Exercising this abundance mindset is very simple if you follow the right steps. However, its simplicity doesn’t diminish its difficulty. Recognizing and attracting wealth is very much reliant on continuous practice to form mastery.
But don’t let this discourage you!
Obtaining an automated abundance mindset is well within your reach if you follow the tips below:
Recognize, appreciate, and consciously thank the “what is”
Do it before you even consider attracting “what is yet to be.” You cannot ask an empty well for water.
Appreciation feeds your money manifesting powers. Acknowledge the Universe’s kindness and reflect it back upon the Universe in order to become fully synced with what you desire.
The divine WANTS to work with those who embrace the importance of what has already been bestowed upon them.
Use hardship to your advantage
When things go wrong, just like when things go right, you are presented with choices and opportunities for growth.
Scarcity times provide you a wonderful chance to master a self-reflection mindset. Often, people have negative automatic thoughts that control their lives and make each attempt as fruitless as the last. Why?
Because when we face “failure” without examining why we failed, we do ourselves a disservice.
- Failure is perfect to discover how to succeed. As an example, if we notice that we are repeatedly getting rejected by potential romantic partners, the universe is screaming, “Hey, you’re messing it up!” We need to be active listeners, especially in the dark and silent moments of our lives.
- People with an abundance mindset know that “this too shall pass” is more than just an adage. They also know that, as previously mentioned, hardships present opportunities for self-reflection and enacting change.
Hardships can always be leveraged to escalate our enlightenment and evolve into our visioned selves – “you either win, or you learn.”
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everything happens for a reason; we must accept our results while pursuing our desires.
Discard your feelings of jealousy
The success of others, whether you admire them or not, is clear proof that abundance is alive and well.
Further, while envy is perfectly natural, it is a wasted negative emotion that dims our light and tunes our emotions into a low frequency of scarcity. Jealousy is the opposite of an abundance mindset.
When we allow poor vibes to dim our positive mindset, we become more vulnerable to further unhealthy feelings that can jeopardize our exhilaration and practices of thankfulness.
I explain in this post how to stop envy what others have.
To Sum It Up
When you develop a life of healthy abundance, you understand yourself, your passions, your value, and your purpose. This is because when we have clarity in our purpose and worth, it is easier to focus on the activities, feelings, and people who matter to us.
When we focus on our own goals and destiny, the negative influences of external events become minimized.
When we find our alignment, we attract what is meant for us. We become beacons of the light that we desire and the light we need to frame our lives.
Further, people who adopt an abundance mindset have high standards. Due to this intense focus and consequently surround themselves with the people and means that bring positive energy to their lives. They are significantly less likely to allow negativity into their lives.
Since possessing this mindset doesn’t come easy, I’ve created a soothing meditation for this specific subject.
My program can help you alter your scarcity mindset. By making the most of your current conditions, and from that state of ease – open the channel for a free flow of abundance.